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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Solid Educated Person Qualities

In my own Assessments (Writer# MD HASANUR ALAM KHAN (NAYAN ) 

Solid Educated Person Qualities
1)      Mannerism
2)      Transparency  of mind ( clarity of mind)
3)      Ignoring pride (Simplicity) 
4)      Positive  Thinking for all ( Individual , People, Country, World)
5)      Ignoring greedy of money or facilities ( Education for learning Not for Fashion  )
6)      By the people for the World ( Thinking horizon build up)
7)       Purpose of study or Specific Intentions

Classification of Talents

In my own Assessments and View point
1)      In vocative or  Inventive  Talents (Sophisticated Talents ) ( Highest Talents class)
2)      Creative and Dynamic Talents
3)      Specific Talents on Their own Professionals arena
4)      Individual Talents on their own Rights
5)       Normal Talents ( It includes all)