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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some people worn that the era of the silver screen is coming to an end in going to the cinema. Do you agree or dis-agree with these views? Give reason

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t agree with the above statement because people get or achieve their original amusement with entertainment when people watch movie inside a cinema hall not on their bed room lying.
Big screens are made so that people can feel the temper, anxiety of the film. Some cinema hall in the western world are made in such away that the seats moves or jerk when horror films starts .it is a way of complete amusement. Which we perhaps will not get in our bedroom television.
Entertainment is a big business so modern films, episode are of very large budgets behind it. So a full luminous of watching the beauty of cinema is in the cinema hall not in our room. We should at these completeness world preserve our weekend and watch films with our lovely family so that we can feel peaceful in our hidden mind.
As this world are brutal people tending to be strong and perhaps brutal in his/her everyday life .so a film can creates us the opportunity to gain confident with amusement.
Nevertheless, our mechanic life doesn’t give us time to preserve our –selves with peace. We need to think positively that without amusement a people life becomes monotonous and dull.
So at last our irrefutable conclusion is there should be the cinema halls where we can go with our beloved family member of course with all friends and enjoy the most costly time of peace we might get in our small life .we must enjoy it!

Phone# 880-01720122851
SKYPE ID# hasanur20071
These article is sponsor by FREE DV LOTTERY)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Without capital punishment our lives are less secured and crimes of violence in society to what extent do you agree or dis-agree with the opinion?

Without capital punishment our lives are less secured and crimes of violence in society to what extent do you agree or dis-agree with the opinion?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without capital punishment our lives will be less secure and it is certain that the crimes of violence will increase further. Yes, capital punishment is required because without that a criminal will not fear his/her death.
Although, in some foreign countries uses capital punished criminals to catch or give advice to law enforcing agencies .it is certainly a race case. Even though, criminals have very huge heart and they are some what fear-less to their activities they are born less and devoted to criminal activities which they do and admire efficiently.
Though, they are criminal they have plenty of experience, energy, fearless ness, hatred to the society etc. bear in mind that no one is born with a criminal name in front of his/her name .they become criminals for our brutal and fugal society. They have all the strong character that man need of.
We cannot hit a people or slap a people because we are fearful but the criminal’s does this job frequently. So we must concentrate ourselves that we should make this fear less human being in the world in positive ways
Though it is certain that capital punishment is required but excessive punishment will be more harmful for our betterment's. Nevertheless, some countries are taking steps for their capital punishment criminals .first they put them in a psychologist centre then they can get a profound job of police or army etc. it is perhaps the right way about using these criminals for their own mother-land.
Since, it is a brutal society. Capital punishment should have their to aware the people that law is their in those countries .so that every citizen of the countries respects the law and do the work according to the law book.
So my irrefutable conclusion is we must some times preserve our criminals for our better use in future circumstances and nevertheless we must punish them when required badly to aware our fugal society.

Phone# 880-01720122851
SKYPE ID# hasanur20071
These article is sponsor by FREE DV LOTTERY)

Sunday, May 10, 2009


In Britain, when someone gets old, they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes government should pay for this case. Who should be responsible for our old people?
Children should be responsible for their parents whole community should take care of their ancestors. It is certain that it is there own responsibilities to look after their parents, well wishers.

When we are children. Our beloved parents take care of us with great gratuities and love from their heart .in case time we took love, affections, and emotions, shelter etc from our lovely parents and guardians. Even though, this time they are old, not such good looking when they are perhaps young.

Nevertheless, we much ensure themselves that, we will made them feel happy, joyful, anthracite as before and the day to come by. We must not heart them. Great care should be taken .they should not feel loneliness. We must encourage them in every aspects of their life. We must certainly remember that their heart and sole continuation to us and to our fugal society.

Although, they are old, they have great experience of life to share it among us. so we must not forget their die-hear ted tribulation to us to make us completeness at this present level of earth.

We must share their sorrows, emotions, past-story with great attitudes .we must behave ourselves that we cannot even see this beautiful world without them. The Newton’s third law state “every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” so, if we do not give shelter, peace, amusement from our beloved children in future.

Our governments should take necessary steps to not only contributing to the old people by giving money also they should perhaps make a new law that contains the strictness about parents rule .if a person live their parents. The person {HE/SHE} WOULD BE HEAVY PENALIZED and it should be treated as a criminal offense in the law book.
So at last, I personally invite all the children of our age to become serious about this issue. We must not forget our beloved parents. They gave us a lot; it is our time to return them some desire feed-back and peace.

Phone# 880-01720122851
SKYPE ID# hasanur20071
These article is sponsor by FREE DV LOTTERY)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Should money be spent on space exploration .when third world countries people are dying due to hunger and common diseases.

Yes ,it might be explicated .it is because the world is moving is very fast. So that we need to be competitive with this brutal world. The word brutal is used because it is certain that plenty of people all around the world are starving without food. Rich countries are not giving money to the poor people so that they cannot live in same peace. It is certainly a barbaric and ruthless circumstance.
Although we know something when exploring in outer orbits but it does not give the peace of food, shelter less people of Africa or Afghanistan. In those countries plenty of people are losing their all important lives without food, they are starving at open sky. It is certainly Ruth.
It is the draw-back of temperance and moderation. They are indiscriminately powered by rich countries. It needs some publicity with condemnation otherwise we might be in more problems in the upcoming future ahead.
So we need a balance diet. If it is possible, then all the exploration companies will perhaps cut 15%budget of their expenses research and give those it to the poor people who are complete in disaster. From that companionship,. We might able to evoke love to them so that they feel that somebody is right behind to help them..

“friend is in need is a friend deed’ so we must help poor people .we must profess ourselves. It is our people starving. It is certainly painful to watch nobody in the world is looking at the poor people. Every body is looking with confronted with temptation behind.
We must aspire to a great height if we help poor –people .if it is only one think, our mind need to be changed and soften, we must think our self that if we are on their possession .what will happen? Answer is shriving, tempering with perplexity.

So , the irrefutable conclusion is both thinks are required. So we have to do both thinks. Exploration with serving poor homeless people.

Phone# 880-01720122851
SKYPE ID# hasanur20071