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Friday, July 10, 2009

American and European jail constriction handed out to educate the prisoner in the cell with the view to improve their nations show the reason behind i

YES, it is right way because criminals trends to be extremely talented than other normal human being .they are mischievous brave with in themselves .they can do anything they want.
Normal people cannot slap a person without reasons but these criminals can do it easily. Only we have to create or taught the positives ways of life to the criminals. We must understand the fact that nobody is born in this lovely world with a name of criminal.
Criminals have been created due to our brutal, rough; inculcate self fish society .the fact is that this fugal society creates criminals. Criminals are not born but made by their circumstance, less possession, environment they live into and negative thinking and obvious frustration in sudden situation.
So the steps are taken by developing countries to rehabilitate the criminals are a massive way of improvements. They do have enormous potential .Their potential should be serve to their respected nations. Many developed countries are using criminals to catch other criminals. Sometimes by catching more criminals with in the trend they get a job of police inspector or other post etc.
We need to make the criminals like a bright prospect of the country by self –motivation, preservation, creating jobs, etc. no –one in the world is born with a bad habits. Bad habits are created and it might be destroyed also by motivation and spiritual activities.
Every man has good and bad character on its possession but we have to think positively putting behind all the negatives .If a person has only 1% positive then we can motivate him in positive feeling despite negative habits. Only positive thinking and feeling can help him to enjoy his life in positive manner.
Criminals need only encouragement, affection from the society to emerge them as the loveliest personal on the earth. These steps are taken by developing nation and also under developed countries should start taking initiative from the criminals.
At last my irrefutable conclusion is, we must think positive in the negative environment then our live will become positive and we will become positive and we will find some are not becoming criminals again for their hopelessness and disgrace. Only positives can help us .we should try to be optimistic rather than pessimistic .Thanks for reading!

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